These are the tattoo FAQs! Muthafucka!
You've got questions? Scroll through. If it's not here, give us a call or email us to ask. We'd be happy to help!
What do you recommend for tattoo aftercare?
Our aftercare instructions can be found HERE.
Can I get tattooed if I’m under 18 as long as my parents sign for me?
No, we are not allowed to tattoo anyone under the age of 18 for any reason, as stated on page 5 of the Alberta Health Services Regulations, which can be found HERE. We cannot accept parental consent - NO EXCEPTIONS! That said, we would be happy to give you 10% off a tattoo on your 18th birthday, as long as you bring in your government issued photo ID. And while you’re waiting, as long as you’re 16 we’d be happy to pierce you!
I want a really small tattoo - how much would that cost?
We charge a $15 setup fee for all appointments including touchups. The minimum charge for a tattoo is $100 plus GST and goes up from there. No matter how small the tattoo, there is a minimum amount of disposable supplies that must be used for a set-up, and the $100 charge covers this. Payment for tattoos is cash only. We do have an ATM onsite, but it can run out, so bringing cash with you is never a bad idea.
What is your shop’s hourly rate for tattoos?
Our artists charge $165+GST per hour. They may sometimes charge by the piece, but this would be decided by the individual artist on a case by case basis. Payment for tattoos is cash only. We do have an ATM onsite, but it can run out, so bringing cash with you is never a bad idea.
I have an idea for a tattoo but I can’t draw it. What should I do?
Take a click through the tattoo section of our website and see which artist's work jumps out at you. From there, give the shop a call at 403-984-3232 and book a free consultation with that artist. After your consultation, if you'd like to leave a deposit then the artist would be happy to draw up a custom tattoo just for you!
Why do I have to leave a deposit?
A deposit guarantees your tattoo appointment time, and also protects the artist’s time spent drawing up the tattoo should you decide last minute that you don’t want to get it, or if you don't show up for your appointment. You can read our deposit policy HERE. Deposits, like all tattoo payments, are cash only. We do have an ATM onsite, but it can run out, so bringing cash with you is never a bad idea.
How long do I need to wait between tattoo sessions on a large piece?
This will depend on which artist you are seeing, but generally two to three weeks is enough time to fully heal between sessions. If it's a very large piece, you can sometimes get away with re-booking sooner because the artist can work far enough away from where you were tattooed last time that they're not wiping over a still-healing tattoo.
I've heard getting tattooed hurts more during fuckin' Shark Week, when Aunt Flo is visiting. Is this true?
Some swear this is totally fucking true, others say its' total bullshit. If you're concerned, feel free to schedule your appointment away from shark week, when Aunt Flo isn't hassling you!